Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Can art be mechanically reproduced?

When something is reproduced for so many times is that art? What's the importance of the mechanical reproducibility of the art? What was the impact on mechanical reproducibility on the society?

It is still considered an art when something is reproduced for so many times. However, it represents something new. The situations into which the product of mechanical reproduction can be brought may not touch the actual work of art, yet the quality of its presence is always depreciated. In other words, reproduction of something like a painting loses its original composition. Generally, It is the loss of the "aura". Aura is like the moment of astonishment seizing the first-time beholder of a work of art. Although it looks like it has a little negative impact on society, this does not diminish it's importance. Mechanical reproducibility proves that our technology is changing. It becomes more advanced everyday that we can actually reproduce something like work of art. It explains what is today and what it was in the past.

Mona Lisa Replicas
Mona Lisa painting reproduced

Is photography art, or contribution to the art? Is it just a tool used by artists?
Photography is also an art. Art photographers know how to use lighting, angles and locations. When this is used, photography comes in a form of art. Most technical photographers don't do this because they just take pictures of just important images. Here are some examples of art photography.


How and why Henry Peach Robinson created Fading Away? What was the reason?

Henry Robinson created "Fading Away" by using a combination of five negatives together to form one picture. The reason for him to create this one is he wanted to show real emotion of despair. The picture tells the sentiment of the whole family to their dying loved one.

Photography has impacted the world of art and influenced some changes in the area of accessibility to art. If mechanical reproduction created revolution, what is happening now with the digitalization? 

Digital photography is revolutionized by mechanical reproduction. It is becoming a more common medium and everyone is almost using either a computer or a digital device. People can now keep their images through a computer or a media device. They can edit or enhance their pictures by using imaging softwares.


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